Twitter Makes it Easier to Find Tweets with Profile Search
Have you ever been looking for a specific tweet on Twitter but can’t find it to save your life? Well, if you know who sent the tweet, you now have an easier way to search for that one that got away.
Twitter recently rolled out a new profile that allows you to search a user’s tweets directly from their profile.
You can find the new search feature in the upper right corner on a user’s profile. For now, it seems like this feature is only available on mobile. But let’s be real, most of us are mainly only using social media on our phones anyways. Besides our fellow social media managers, of course.
Anyways, while this feature is aimed to make it easier when on someone’s profile, it’s not necessarily new altogether. Users have always had the ability to search a user’s tweets. All you had to do was use the magnifying glass at the bottom of the app screen. Simply type “@” then the username followed by the specific phrase you’re searching for.
For example, if you were searching our twitter for tweets related to our new podcast, the Digital Wrap-Up, you would’ve typed: @hardendigital Digital Wrap-Up.
Users also could’ve used the advanced search feature to find a specific tweet. But that search feature isn’t available in the mobile app.
So while this “new” feature isn’t exactly new, it can definitely make searching easier when you’re already on a user’s profile.
One Key Takeaway for Twitter Users
Now that it’s even easier for others to search your tweets, we have to raise one point. It might be a good time to go back through your tweets and delete any potential “bad” ones from years ago. We’ve all seen the news stories of tweets from 10 years ago resurfacing to get someone in trouble.
Hopefully by this point, you’ve already done this. But just in case you haven’t, here’s your reminder!
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