Investing in Software for Your Business
In the latest episode of the Digital Wrap-Up, Riley discusses the importance and value of investing in software for your small business.
Spending money as a small business owner can be challenging when you don’t see an immediate return. When talking about software, you don’t always see an immediate monetary return, but the investment is well worth it – if you do your research and spend your money on the RIGHT software. That’s one lesson Riley has learned in his time as being a small business owner.
You can watch the full episode on YouTube now!
Ep. 42 of the Digital Wrap-Up Podcast:
You can also listen to the full episode on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
Why is it so important to invest in software? At the core of it, most software is designed to make your job easier in one way or another. Whether it automates a task that would take you twice as long to complete or simplifies your business processes to free up more of your time, software is your friend and it’s worth the investment.
Harden Digital & Design now spends nearly $800 on software alone each month. But Riley says he can’t imagine what running the business would be like if he didn’t have each one of those softwares. Most of the software he uses daily. If not daily, at least every week.
Riley breaks down all the different software Harden Digital & Design pays for on a monthly basis to give you a glimpse into why he believes investing in software is so valuable.
Here’s a list of some of the software he mentions in the podcast:
If you have any questions about any of the software Riley discusses, feel free to send him an email: riley@hardendigital.com. He’d be happy to answer any questions you have!
You can also always contact us about your small business’ digital marketing concerns by sending us a message today!
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