A Look Back at Harden Digital & Design in 2022!
Taking a look back at 2022, Harden Digital & Design went through some major changes. If you’ve been following along over the past 6-7 months, you already know about the rebrand and name change.
A lot more has happened since then, and Riley breaks it down in this week’s episode of the Digital Wrap-Up!
Most of the changes during the past 7 months have been exciting. Some have been stressful… extremely stressful. Riley spends some time talking about the ups and the downs of “re-launching” Harden Digital and some of the biggest accomplishments of the new business.
Some of those accomplishments (besides the rebrand and name change) include:
- Opening our first office space in Downtown Tipton
- Hiring our first employee (besides Riley & Kaylee)
- Offering new/additional services to better serve our clients
As the business continues to grow in 2023, we will also be looking for ways to innovate and better serve our current and new clients down the road. Towards the end of the podcast, Riley also previews what is on the radar for 2023, including new services and goals for Harden Digital & Design moving forward.
Watch episode 39 of the Digital Wrap-Up:
You can also listen to the Digital Wrap-Up on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!
Support the Digital Wrap-Up
We are excited to announce that listeners and viewers can now support the Digital Wrap-Up podcast even more! We now offer a subscription service to our listeners through our podcast host, Buzzsprout. If you enjoy watching and/or listening to the Digital Wrap-Up podcast, please consider supporting the show by visiting bit.ly/DigitalWrapUp.
Why support the show? By becoming a subscriber, you will directly help Riley in producing new episodes each week. Producing the podcast is a time-consuming effort. Riley wants to be able to put more effort into the shows, but time is a big constraint when trying to manage the business as well. Your subscriptions will go a long way, by allowing Riley to spend more time on producing quality content each week.
Are there benefits for subscribers? Yes!
Here’s what subscribers get:
- Personal shoutout on the next show after you subscribe (with links to your social media/website if you want)
- Your questions on social media, graphic design, small business, etc., answered on the very next episode.
We will continue to add more benefits (maybe a Facebook Group and other ideas) as the podcast and subscriber program continue to grow.
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